It is very important to understand the footprints we are leaving behind, because we have only one Planet to live on.

Global warming is one of the problems that Governances, Organisations and
many others fights against for a long time. It’s our duty to make the right choice and contribute to progress in climate mitigation efforts, as reducing climate impacts and supporting climate actions.

The efficient carbon farming is part of the solution. By stimulating good
agricultural practices as cover crops usage, no-till technique, proper fertilisation, active use of effective microorganisms, we can increase the amounts of carbon in soil and also speed up the process of its sequestration. Carbon farming will significantly improve soil health and it has regenerative functions in the long term.

We help farmers to make the necessary adjustments to their farming practices
and technologies so as to accelerate soil carbon sequestration processes and to
bring additional income from practicing carbon farming.

Our Carbonsafe™ programme has the main goal to measure and report the
proof amounts of carbon in soil. The developed by us methodology lies of truly conservative and science-based principles. We begin by conducting a baseline measurements of the carbon available in soil, then every year we make control soil samples to account the change and increase of the carbon.

We perform constant monitoring and control of the process, trough software,
georeferenced soil samples, laboratory analyses and on the spot farm checks.
The program envisages issuance of certified carbon offsets and assistance in
their trading on the voluntary market of carbon emissions.